Why we created this blog?
Posted by Team PetsUp on
When we raised our two dogs (Glutton and Pearl) we did not know anything about pets and their care nor we found anyone who could suggest us do's and don'ts. As a result, our dogs suffered. We have a mission to ensure that this does not happen with any other pet parent because we believe that every responsible pet parent loves their pet most and want to do the best for them. We are not experts, but just learning to find out solutions to the problems that we face on a day-to-day basis while raising our pets. We welcome you...
How Do You Deworm Dogs and Puppies?
Posted by Team PetsUp on
Parasites don't want to kill your puppy; they just want to use them as a dinner plate! Our goal is to prevent that from happening. Intestinal parasites have been around forever and are not going away, but you can control them with the proper deworming schedule. Hookworms and roundworms are by far the most common intestinal worms found in puppies. Roundworms compete with your pet for food while hookworms live on blood, causing anemia. Rough hair coats, diarrhea, malnutrition progressing to intestinal obstruction, and anemia are common issues with worms. We want to feed our pets - not the parasites....