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Treating a dog with dog bites

Posted by Team PetsUp on


If you are a hardcore dog lover (the one who loves any and every dog irrespective of its breed) there might be a situation whereby a dog or a group of dogs inflicts wounds to another dog in your vicinity who you take care of.

These wounds are generally puncture wounds with blood oozing out. In case of serious puncture wounds, the blood flow will not stop. This would signify that a blood vessel may have been penetrated and this needs immediate attention of the veterinarian as first aid is not sufficient to heal it.

In not so serious an instance, you can do the following:

  1. Mix dettol in water in a sprayer and gently spray the wounded parts.
  2. Dry the wounds with cotton swabs.
  3. Spray Topicure which has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. In places where spraying is not possible, e.g. as beneath the eyes or near the interior ear, you may use Povodine-iodine or betadine ointment.
  5. If you observe the dog becoming less active or low in appetite, you can give over-the-counter medications like Crocin and Avil to lessen pain, fever and toxic effect.
  6. If the dog is vomiting intermittently, Avomine can be given.
  7. If the situation persists, Taxim- O 100 mg can be given along with Pan 40 and a multivitamin.

If symptoms do not improve after 3-5 days of antibiotic treatment, it calls for a visit to the vet.

Note: Only pursue the above in case the dog is familiar to you, otherwise you may end up getting dog bites.

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